As a chemical manufacturing company, we have specially designed our surface cleaning and disinfection’s products to answer the needs of the users and for our technology, such as drying cabinets and transport systems. High hygiene results, patient’s safety and users ergonomy are the subjects that we consider to be crucial.
As it was mentioned by the World Organisation of Digestive Endoscopy, the “Contaminated areas where accessories and specimens are handled should be separated from clean counter areas. All contaminated areas must be cleaned and decontaminated between patients with an Environmental protection Agency (EPA) registered Hospital grade disinfectant appropriate for the specific microorganism ” (Colonoscopy: principles and practice, JD Waye, DK Rex, CB Williams, 2008).
If you wish to receive the products documentation (IFU, SDS, TDS, etc.), please do not hesitate to get in contact with us.