DEFENDO™ Single Use Cleaning Adapter

CLEANASCOPE™ Transport & Short Term Storage System

CLEANASCOPE™ System for transport and short-term storageCLEANASCOPETM System for transport and short-term storage protects endoscopes and other vulnerable equipment. CLEANASCOPETM system is designed to minimize direct contact with the equipment and to protect it from contagious substances circling around.Contrary to CLEANASCOPE™ ADVANTAGE system, CLEANASCOPE™  System is not compatible to the ADVANTAGE PLUSTM  cassette. Have you … Continued

INNOVA™ E3s Reprocessor

INNOVA™ E3s AER at a glance: Complies with EN ISO 15883-1/-4/-5 standards and RKI guidelines (e.g. by thermal disinfection of the final rinse water in machines with boilers), VDE/IEC, EMV, DVGW, MDD, CE-0297 Can be flexibly deployed alongside another INNOVA™ E2s AER or INNOVA™ E3 AER to accommodate 30 to 40 treatments each day Operates … Continued

Surface Cleaning and Disinfection

Our solutions for surface cleaning and disinfection of your endoscope drying and storage equipment:

Bedside Cleaning & Disinfection

Bedside cleaning & disinfection kits Each bedside kit comes with a liquid solution, single-use container to flush the endoscope channel and with a sponge. For this application we offer both ready-to-use solutions, sachets or wipes. Cantel bedside’s kit products are compatible with the constructive material of endoscopes. The ESGENA recommends1 “Bedside cleaning of the endoscope … Continued

Detergents & High-Level Disinfectants

To achieve a successful reprocessing and guarantee safety for operators and patients it is critical that the detergent and high-level disinfectant is tested in combination with the endoscope automated reprocessor and under “usage” conditions and according to international standards. This is the only way to ensure efficacy and repeatability of the high level disinfection, dosing, … Continued

VALVE BASKET™ Single Use Valve Basket

ENDODRY™ Storage and Drying System

NEW DESIGN, EASIER USABILITY – THE CASSETTE SYSTEM Designed specifically for use with ADVANTAGE PLUSTM Pass-Thru Reprocessor, INNOVATM E4S CMS Reprocessor and ENDODRY™ Storage & Drying System: Cassettes now made from biocompatible polypropylene: even lighter and easier to use Hookup cassette is transported from reprocessor and inserts directly into shelf ventilation port – one simple … Continued

TRANSCOPE™ & STORASCOPE™ Storage & Endoscope Transport Carts

CANEXIS™ Integrated Workflow Solution for Sterilization