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Detergents & High-Level Disinfectants

CANTEL manufactures and sells a number of effective and easy to use detergents and high-level disinfectants (HLD’s), which can be used in the AER, for manual reprocessing of endoscopes or sterilization. All our detergents and HLD’s are:

  • Fully compliant to most updated ISO EN Standards and Guidelines
  • Fully validated “in use” conditions and in combination with the related AER
  • Designed and optimized to achieve the best result and still remain environmentally conscious
  • Safe for operators and patients

Cantel is both a chemistry and equipment manufacturer and provides an integrated chemistry-reprocessing system solution. A single supplier for chemistry and AER guarantees the best reliability of the system and maintenance.

To achieve a successful reprocessing and guarantee safety for operators and patients it is critical that the detergent and high-level disinfectant is tested in combination with the endoscope automated reprocessor and under “usage” conditions and according to international standards. This is the only way to ensure efficacy and repeatability of the high level disinfection, dosing, contact time and overall system reliability. Therefore our:

  • High-Level disinfectants can be used in manual reprocessing and are compliant with ISO EN-14885.
  • Detergents and high-level disinfectants are tested extensively on our AER's to guarantee reproducible dosing and successful high-level disinfection in actual operating conditions and in presence of interfering circumstances. These tests are made in compliance with ISO EN-15883 1-4-5. (ESGE – ESGENA 2018)
  • Detergents and high-level disinfectants are compatible and any detergent residue carried over into the disinfectant solution does not impair the microbiological efficacy of the disinfectant. (ESGE – ESGENA 2018)
  • Detergents and high-level disinfectants are compatible with endoscopes and endoscope components, endoscopic accessories, Cantel reprocessing equipment and construction material. (ESGE – ESGENA 2018)

Cantel is both a chemistry and equipment manufacturer and provides an extensive range of integrated chemistry-reprocessing system solutions. A single supplier for chemistry and automated reprocessing equipment guarantees the best reliability of the system, a consistent maintenance and value for clients.

If you wish to receive additional product documentation (IFU, SDS, TDS, etc.) do not hesitate to get in Contact with us.

Disinfectants for cleaning and disinfection of AER

Detergents for AER

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