The DSD EDGE™ features two fully-independent and asynchronous reprocessing basins designed for use in busy endoscopy facilities. The DSD EDGE provides the fastest endoscope turn-around time with a reprocessing cycle as short as 25 minutes. Improving endoscope throughput allows additional patient procedures to be scheduled which can reduce endoscope inventory, decreases the number of AERs needed, and result in increased facility revenue. The DSD EDGE uses RAPICIDE™ PA high-level disinfectant, a single-use, environmentally friendly peracetic acid. Rapicide PA has a low disinfectant temperature which eliminates endoscope cool down time and assures endoscope compatibility for reduced endoscope repair costs. Additional DSD EDGE features include automated endoscope leak testing, user selectable wash cycle for endoscope cleaning, automatic alcohol and air purge of endoscope channels, and a digital printout of cycle information. A three-stage water pre-filtration system reduces particulate matter and provides certified bacteria-free water for endoscope rinsing. The DSD EDGE includes printer, water pre-filtration system, built-in air compressors and one set of air and water filters.